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Steps() in CSS
Steps() is a timing function that allows us to break an animation or transition into segments, rather than one continuous transition from one state to another.
What is counter-increment CSS?
To make a counter in CSS you must first employ the counter reset property which has a 0 value by default. You can use the same counter reset property to change the zero value to a specific number. After initiating a counter value you will use the CSS counter-increment property to either increase or decrease the value.
How to Set Counter in Css
The counter-set CSS property sets a CSS counter to a given value. It manipulates the value of existing counters, and will only create new counters if there isn't already a counter of the given name on the element.
Counters in Css
Css Counters are variables maintained by Css and are incremented or decremented by CSS rules which track how many times they're used. We can define our own custom counters, and can also change the list-item counter. List-Item counter is an default counter provided by Css for all ordered lists. In this post we are going to check counters in Css.